Sunday, April 29, 2012

Good Quality Of Vegan Red Wines You Might Want To Try

Vegan Red Wines
There is a lot of controversy about red wine health. It has been proven without a doubt, according to scientists, that red wine is good for the heart lowering the risk of heart attack in middle-aged people. What about the elderly? The suggested intake is one glass of red wine a day for women, and two for men. Nevertheless, there is little suggestion of how big or small that glass should be? In addition, if you drink more than the suggested amount, does it increase the protection from heart attack? Or does it add any more protection against other diseases?

Red wine is proven to have certain ingredients that stop blood from clotting, keep arteries clean and clear, and helps with cholesterol. So with this assumption of proven truth, the obvious answer to the question about red wine health would be positive. But what of those who don't drink? Where then, do they get their share of health benefits?

The biggest asset is the antioxidants found in red wine developed from the grape skins and seeds. Other beneficial ingredients that do different things for different conditions, such as acting as an anti-inflammatory can be contributed to the skin of the grape. The colors of skins are also responsible for the color of the wine. In addition, the length of time the skin tincture is in contact with the juice contributes to the darkness or lightness in color.

You're vegan and a wine lover? I bet you were shocked when you first learned that all wine might not be vegan and that animal based substances were used in filtering and finishing the wine. Luckily more and more winemakers are taking their vegan customers into consideration and choosing to finish their wines with other methods like bentonite clay, diatomaceous earth, carbon and kaolin clay.
Let me present a few very good quality but still very drinkable vegan red wines you might want to try some day.

Let's start with Syrah Ventura from Chile. It's a wine with a deep red, almost purple color, and it has aromas of black pepper, black cherry and anis. On the palate, berry flavors meet with impressions of herbs and spice. It's vegan and made with certified organic grapes.

Another good vegan syrah wine is Mas de Janiny. This full-bodied French red wine that like Ventura has been made with organic grapes is elegant and complex, with aromas and flavors of red fruits, violet and spices. It is aged in oak barrels, which adds subtle vanilla aromas to wine's flavor. It's unfined and unfiltered - that might not be to everyone's taste, but it's certainly worth a try!

Pircas Negras Cabernet Sauvignon Organic comes from Argentina. Like most Cabernet Sauvignons, it has scents of black currants, but also of tea and spice. On the palate one can notice aromas and flavors of allspice and earth. Pircas Negras Cabernet Sauvignon is a strong red wine which could well be paired with mushroom risotto.

The Cabernet Sauvignon grape is often paired with other grape types. A good example is the Cabernet-Malbec mix by Nuevo Mundo from Chile. It is composed of 75% Cabernet grapes and 25% of Malbec. It is a balanced mix of aromas of fruit and berries on the one side, spice and earth on the other. It ages in barrels where it gains some oak and vanilla flavors, as well as its tannic qualities.

Let's return to France for a while, to the Bordeaux region to be exact. Chateau Moulin de Peyronin produces a classic red wine. It has black currant, plum and cherry flavors. You can also describe it fruity, medium-bodied, and with smooth tannins.

Last but not least another French speciality: Cotes-du-Rhone Domaine des Cedres. The Domaine des Cèdres winemaker, Dominique Pons, is a pioneer of organic and biodynamic viticulture. Therefore this wine, too, is organic, vegan as well as biodynamic. It goes great with food; it's rather dry, deep in color and full with flavors of flowers, herbs and spices.

This is of course just a snapshot of vegan red wines available on the market today; but all these wines are of good quality, still affordable but not too fancy so you can actually drink them!

If you'd like to know more about vegan wines and organic, biodynamic wines and where to buy them online, please visit my website today.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Get The Low Down On Everything You Need To Know About Dry Red Wine

Dry Red Wine
Red wines are some of the most classy and preferred products existing in the industry and they are sub-grouped further based mainly on the type of grapes used to make them and the regions where those are grown. Also, the dry red wine is categorized to incorporate sweet, partly sweet and other types and thus the choice is based on how well a person is familiar with varying flavors.

Basically the term, dry red wine, refers to the level of sugar content in the drink itself and the variation of this is determined by the fermentation process that in turn result to a certain percentage of alcohol. In other words, the yeasts consumes all the sugar in the wine until it is approximately 1.2 to 4 percent or nothing at all and the manufacturer select the types of the fungi to use to achieve expected results.

Dry red wine is more than just an alcoholic drink, it embodies a certain type of lifestyle and mindset. Before you next pay a visit to you local liquor store, take a moment to read the following guide. It should allow you to have a better understanding of this tipple, and also help you when it comes to making a selection.

Dry red wine has a bold color due to the type of grape skins used in the manufacturing process. There are in fact as many different kinds of grapes and grape skins as there are wines, each has its own distinct color, flavor, and fragrance. Depending on the skin used, the liquid that is produced will have a different shade. Another factor that influences the depth of color is the length of time the skin was left to ferment before being extracted.

Many people are confused by the sheer range of options of red wine that are now available. Over time you can develop a taste or preference for certain varieties, though you will need to judge the body on a wide selection of bottles to really satisfy your taste buds.

A lot would depend upon the food that is accompanying the drink. For example, Beaujolais Nouveau is a light bodied option that goes well with food that has a strong flavor. A bottle of Shiraz or Merlot has a heavier body, though is not as strong in taste as a French Bordeaux.

One of the hardest decisions will be deciding on which dry red wine to serve to your guests, as everyone has their own preferences. Today the task has become even more difficult as there are new producers emerging. In the past, most people would have opted for a bottle from Italy, or France, but today there are also successful vineyards in Australia, California, and even China and India. You may find it useful to check out the opinions and reviews of the experts, by doing so you should not end up wasting your money.

Whenever a need arises to select wine for family or guests always consider the food that normally complement the product or find out what their preference would be. It is not all times that it feels right to consult guests about various types of wines and substitutes or food they want before the big day and therefore it is good to buy all so they can pick their choices.

There are many examples of dry red wine that are very popular in both online and offline markets and they consist of Cabernet Sauvignon that is voted high by Wine Institute with every catchy detail that would prompt a potential customer to buy instantly. The other best dry red wine is called merlot that is adored for having delicious and mild flavor and it has registered major sales in the entire US in the recent past.

The question, "is shiraz a dry red wine" is still unanswered in the minds of many and it looks like it is not only a dry variety they can buy since it is grouped among the sweet and it is loved for its fresh flavor. Of course Pinot Noir is another very classy and desired example of dry red wine that anyone can drink because it has a fruit-like taste. Those looking for a cheaper alternative could buy the blush wines made from the top high quality type, Zinfandel.

There is actually a perfect product for everyone comprising also of an Italian dry red wine called Barbera known to have a silky appearance or settle for Sangiovese grapes product, Chianti. The other method of drafting a list of dry red wine to go for could be based on various countries celebrated as major sources of white types as well such as the French Gamay, a fresh type that has strawberry tastes.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Long History Of Red Wine

About 6000 BC, outside the Caucasus region between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, has already begun the cultivation of grapes and wine brewing. Of course, the actual origin of age will be more to ancient human picking wild grapes is likely to be accidentally causing wine. Belong, Viti-Vinifera grapes was planted, this is the ancestor of the world thousands of grape varieties, is generally believed that this species is reached between Turkey and Mesopotamia Mesopotamia by the Transcaucasian, then spread to Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean, and then by the Phoenicians and Greeks grapes brought to Western Europe. However, the latest archaeological data show Spain as early as the Phoenicians before the introduction of the grape, has begun the cultivation of grapes and brewing, and even the North American Indians before the arrival of the Europeans for a long time on the use of the Inter-American grape varieties stuffed system for wine. The grape and wine origin is clearly diverse, and the origins of years than they are now known to more distant.
BC 3,000 years ago the Sumerians irrigated vineyards, wine imported by other regions. At that time the wine is quite rare, has a strong religious and political symbolism, not only at the time, and after the Babylonian Empire and Egypt, the role of wine in society are not purely alcoholic drinks, it contains multiple meaning of death, regeneration, and God's proximity and reproduction. The earliest period of origin, it is often used as ritual supplies, dinner in the exclusive and only for the elite of society. These symbolic meanings are gradually developed for the future of Greek and Roman Dionysian culture.
In Greek and Roman times, wine has a directly related to God as a symbol of the wine. Dionysian Dionysus of Greece during the crazy symbol, suggesting that the threat of a rational and civilized, but also table the animal belonging to Chi pleasure and human nature.
Rituals, wine has its indispensable position. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Church of Christ in the power of the vineyards to establish and maintain a great help, many churches are Roman Bacchus named Bacchus, represented by the symbol has become more narrow, only direct link with wine. Bacchus Bacchus in Roman times due to the warlike spirit and Bacchus in Rome highlighted the tendency of personal pleasure and less consistent, the celebration of the Dionysia can only be reduced underground activities without official support.

Against Christians, wine is a symbol of the blood of Jesus, so how much has Christian vineyard. Due to the needs of the Church Mass and ceremony, wine production has become the church, especially one of the many monasteries. Depends on the efforts of the Church, grapes, not only in the Mediterranean region generally planted, and was taken to the northern cold weather, the grapes more difficult area, unexpectedly led to the development of the cold climate of the wine industry. In addition, the possession of large medieval oak (14th century) by the Spanish Codorniu winery in the large church organizations, there are various types of expertise, the production of wine is one of the work of the church, many staff have put into the cultivation of grapes and brewing research, laid the foundation for scientific research on the future of wine.
Belong to the European culture of wine is also accompanied by the discovery of the New World spread everywhere. In addition to the North American wild grapes, South America and Australia are due to the introduction of European immigrants began the cultivation of grapes. About the 16th century, Mexico and South America Argentina have been small-scale wine production; California, USA and Australia, has been late for wine brewing began in earnest in the late 18th century.
Renaissance in the ideological and artistic reform has been to the 17th century, slowly in the food culture have an impact. Cooking more and more complex and refined, and the rise of the bourgeoisie and other factors, provides a richer taste fine wine space. Of course, the widespread use of some with material conditions, such as glass bottles and corks, etc. all contribute to wine quality for a very substantial increase. In the 18th century, the wines are almost always packed in oak barrels directly delivered to the consumer for location, the original has been less stable quality of the wine, plus long-distance delivery wines usually can not be saved for long.
About the beginning of the 19th century, from the New World pass into the European vine pests and diseases, posing a great threat to the European species of grapes. The most serious of which the phylloxera disease, these parasites in the grape roots of aphids chomping on roots leaving the grapes to death, almost completely destroyed in the second half of the 19th century, all European species of grapes, which is the history of the wine industry suffered greatest disasters, there are 200 million hectares of vineyards are in French only bring disaster.
After several decades, there are many related research, but has been unable to effectively restrain, until the 1980s to find eradicate France: European grape varieties grafted onto the U.S. grape varieties, because the U.S. grape roots is not affected by aphids intrusion. So far, although the global wine almost all of European grape varieties as raw materials, but these European grape varieties they are nothing but kinds of Pu must be grafted on the Inter-American grape varieties. Scientific research on winemaking began in the 1857 French bacteriologist Bath get (LouisPasteur) the principle of discovery of the alcoholic fermentation. After thousands of years of brewing experience, and finally the principles of wine making is that the yeast will be grape juice into alcohol. In addition, Bass have also completed many wine-related research, ingredients such as wine, wine aging and related deterioration of wine, making wine brewing technology can be improved dramatically, and become a specialized discipline.
20th century winemaking technology made ​​great strides, not only the brewing process more precise control, and the development of a variety of modern production methods. But the improvement of these technologies can not replace the importance of the vineyard of the natural environment, to create delicious wine today is not difficult, but to spawn a wine with character and style, they must depend on the vineyards owned by the outstanding natural environment . AOC control system established in France from 1936 AOC (appellationd'orignecontrolee), not only is the control of wine quality, but also lies in the character and traditions of the provisions around the wine, through the Pope Metro of Chateauneuf-du-Pape, France, the earliest the establishment of one of the AOC (1936) the provisions of the conditions of production, as well as the actual taste every wine-producing areas can maintain the local character.
This concept was later ported to other countries, other European countries also have established a similar system. This system to determine the wine is not like beer, mass production industrialized beverages. Outside of Europe, many of the emerging wine-producing countries have amazing growth in the wine quality and yield has become the main rival of the European wine. But the concept of wine production are quite different on the International Wine Market Complex, popular wine is the main direction of their production, and the conservative way in Europe to become the most obvious contrast

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Advantages Of Buying Red Wine Online That You Should Know

It has been long been common opinion that the moderate consumption of red wine is good for your heart. This is because the alcohol and antioxidants in it are thought to increase the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and protect the arteries from damage.

The HDL-cholesterol present in red wine is considered to be the main cardiovascular benefit of consuming a moderate amount of wine. But this "good" cholesterol is present in all alcoholic beverages, so in this regard red wine is just as good for you as moderate consumption of beer or spirits. It is the non-alcoholic properties of wine that differentiate it from other alcoholic drinks. Resveratrol

Resveratrol is an antioxidant that is present in wine. This antioxidant is present in higher quantities in red wine than it is in white wine. The reason for this is because the skin is kept on the grape much longer in the preparation and the longer the skin is kept on the grape, the higher the concentration of resveratrol is present.

Therefore, there is no need to rush from one store to other to find the best quality wine for your purpose. As you don't have to visit physically the stores, you can save your time. It also saves you from any other unnecessary hassles for purchasing wine from the retail stores.

If you are a wine connoisseur and want to make your evening special by purchasing red wine then nothing can be better than shopping a little early from any online store. Many people think that their party or any memorable occasion is not complete without the presence of wine. If you are one of them, you can also purchase online. Online wine sales mean that you can get a collection of wide range of wine varieties right at the tip of your finger. Yet, there are some important factors regarding the sales procedure which need to follow by the wine lovers.

When you are purchasing online, you need to note that there are plenty of stores, which sell wine online. Therefore, you should visit a few stores and then decide whether you should make the deal or not. If you make a little survey, you can get attractive discount and best price from the online liquor shops. The stores sometimes offer gift boxes with the wine bottles which you can receive on delivery time.

Don't be berserk of thinking what to do when you have decided to purchase from the online stores. You will just have to go to the search box and put down your query in it. After that within a flash of few seconds you can see the detail information regarding the price and shipment procedure. In addition, this will be very helpful for you to choose and buy wine that you are looking for.

Apart from that, you also need to be careful about the payment procedures of the stores. As you know, you cannot make your payments using paper notes; you need to find the payment options that each store is offering to their buyers. Some stores accept credit card payments of selected banks while there are others, which accept, credit card and debit card of almost any bank. Some of the stores also accept payment via Net banking process for customers who do not possess any credit card or debit card that the store accepts. However if you are ready to have your favourite wine via internet services then you should protect your personal data from unscrupulous third parties. So, check out the security of the store before you purchase. All stores do not use secured server. So, it will be ideal for you to check the payment gateway options and then make your purchase. Be an intelligent buyer to save your money and to get the best deal at ease.