Don’t drink anything mixed with pop, the carbonation does something and speeds up the alcohol absorption. Instead mix with juice.
The best way to avoid getting drunk is to try to limit your alcohol consumption. Now, not all of us are good with self-restraint. In this case, make sure that you always drink in the company of some friends and ask one of them to stop you after you've drowned a certain number of friends.
Try and drink a glass of water in between your cocktails.
Try to avoid shots! It’s just straight liquor going right into your system! Good Luck and have fun!
Stick to drinks with a weaker percentage of alcohol.
Drink at home first its the best way by far.
Eat somthing nice a fatty before you start drinking. The fat in the hummus coated my stomach and greatly slowed the rate the alcohol got into my blood stream.
The Pauper Theory: You cannot spend much. You will beg, borrow and steal. You will ask hobos and vagrants where they got that Thunderbird. Because you are on a budget my friend. Oh, maybe at the bar you can pretend to be hip drinking PBR, but you will know the truth. Natty Light $5 12-packs at home hoping to catch some boon on Univision? You bet – and the squirts as a bonus! Mmm is that wine fortified? Wow, I thought they made malt liquor illegal after all those people died. Is that a flask in your pocket or are you just happy to see me grandpa? Prepare for outcasting, ridicule and obloquy. Unless your friends are also poor. Then they will think you are cool. You are welcome.
Ultimatum Theory: It’s this or that kids – you want sex or booze? You want chocolate or beer? You want to have that burrito or just the tequila? Despite being seriously unbalanced, you are trying to walk the tight rope anyhow. Oh you can drink – but then you miss out on that other thing. Destroy what you love!
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